Meeting Agenda and Minutes

HNPL Partners and Friends
Monday, July 15, 2013
 6:30 PM
Atlanta Library

Emily Crickmore called the meeting to order at 6.30 pm.
Present: Susan Brown, Lana Cardwell, Emily Crickmore, Carol Griffith, Steve Griffith, Emily Holt, Sam Mitchel, Mary Palmiero, Emily Pearson, Greg Shepard, Roberta Terry

I.                    Minutes
A.      April 15 meeting
1.       SM motioned to approve, seconded by EP. Minutes accepted.
II.                  Treasurer’s Report
A.  Checking:  $1933.43   
1.      Transactions
a.      Deposits:$357.29     
i.                    HNPL April Book sales:  $187.90
ii.                  HNPL May Book sales:  $169.39
     b.  Payments:
           i.  HNPL:  Summer Reading:  $2645.00
                   B.  Savings:$2119.89 
C.      Checking (Gaming Acct): $559.00 
D.     Total:  $4612.32
III.                Old Business
A.      Mission & Recruitment of Partners & Friends
1.       Advocate for library
a.       Membership drive – EP
b.      Marketing – LC, EC, SM (will highlight New Earth Festival, Barnes & Noble giftwrapping, photo contest, sponsorship of Summer Reading Program)
c.       New banner – EH and EP will investigate pricing
2.       Giving back to the community
a.       EC suggested P&F provide free concessions for the final Moonlight Movie of the 2013 season
IV.                New Business
A.      Election of Treasurer
1.       EC nominated LC for treasurer. RT seconded. Passed unanimously.
B.      Partners & Friends Photo Contest
1.       Annual contest held in August. Roger Bedwell and Chris LeSesne, professional photographers, will return to judge. LC is generously providing the prizes for the Best of Show winners.
C.      New Earth Festival
1.       September 27 & 28. Volunteers are needed.
2.       We will once again offer “book & brownie for a buck.”
V.                  Adjournment
A.      EC moved to adjourn at 7.24. Seconded by LC. Motion passed unanimously.

The next meeting will be held at 6.30 pm on Monday, September 23 at the Atlanta branch.


HNPL Partners and Friends

Monday, April 15, 2013

 6:30 PM

Cicero Library

Emily Crickmore called meeting to order at 6:35 pm.
Present: Emily Crickmore, Sam Mitchel, Lana Cardwell, Emily Pearson, Greg Shepard , Lisa Gooch, Trish Mangan, guest Christy Wilson
      I.  Minutes
A.      November 2012 meeting
1.       Sam motioned to approve, second by Emily Pearson at 6:38 pm.  Motion passed, unanimously

      II.  Treasurer’s  Report (April 2013)
A.      Checking: $ 4173.14
1.       Transactions
A.      Deposits:  $ 654.89
HNPL  January Book sales:  $ 189.20
HNPL  February Book sales:  $ 297.74
HNPL  March Book sales:  $ 167.95
B.      Savings: $ 2119.05
C.      Checking (Gaming Acct): $ 559.00
D.      Total: $ 6851.19
      III.  Old Business
A.      Bookstores
1.       Need more involvement from volunteers to managing/stocking at Cicero.
2.       HNPL Partners and Friends will be responsible for New Earth Festival book sales
      IV.  New Business
A.      Acquire funds for Partners and Friends
1.        Try utilizing the green space.
2.       Fundraisers.
3.       Photo contest.
B.      Getting more Partners and Friends involved in meetings
1.       Conduct membership drive.
2.       Discussion of what to do to get more involvement.  If there is little interest, do we disband?  Send out email to get members active, and rejuvenate the group with newly developed mission statement.
                C. Financial request for HNPL programing
                                1. Approval of $ 2645.00, Summer reading program,  Minnetrista play,  pool party,  Tess Gerritsen author visit.
2. Sam made a motion to approve request, second by Emily P.  Motion passed unanimously.
3. Lana Caldwell volunteered to start sending out request for New Earth Festival volunteers.
5. Christy Wilson offered free booth space for the library at some park events.
                                                a. Revert funds for Cicero parks to HNPL  - ( Not with in Partners and Friends By Laws, will be forwarded to HNPL).
                D. Adjournment
1. Sam motioned to adjourn at 7:51 pm.  Emily P second.  Motion passed, Unanimously.

The next meeting will be at 6:30 pm on Monday,  July 15 at the Atlanta branch.    


HNPL Partners and Friends
Monday, January 21, 2013 Minutes
Atlanta Library

Sam Mitchel, treasurer, called the meeting to order at 6.34 pm.

Present: Susan Brown, Emily Crickmore, Sam Mitchel, Mary Palmiero, Greg Shepard, Roberta Terry

I.                    Minutes
A.      November 2012 meeting
1.       Roberta motioned to approve, seconded by Susan
II.                  Treasurer’s Report
                   A.  Checking:  $3,518.25
1.      Transactions
a.      Deposits:  $786.40 
i.                    HNPL November Book sales:  $102.25
ii.                  HNPL (Re-imbursement for gift card):  $15.00
iii.                Barnes and Noble Gift Wrapping:  $200.00
iv.                 HNPL December Book sales:  $469.15
                              b.  Disbursements:  $1,093.76
                                    i.  Hamilton Heights Choir Boosters (gift cards for library staff):  $465.00
                                    ii.  HNPL (raffle basket reimbursement/baskets):  $35.46
                                       iii.  Wolfie’s Waterfront Grill (Christmas Dinner):  $412.52
                                    iv. Indiana Department of Revenue (2012 sales tax):  $149.94
                                    v.  HNPL (raffle basket reimbursement/gifts):  $30.84
            B.  Savings:  $2,119.05
C.      Checking (Gaming Acct):  $559.00
D.     Total:  $6,196.30
E.      Gift Basket Raffle Report
Raised $337 in ticket sales.
III.                New Business
A.      Comments/Ideas from former President Lana Cardwell
1.      Reasoning for Raffle date of 12/31?:  The Christmas basket raffle went on until 12/31/12 to maximize the number of days patrons could purchase tickets. We got a late start this year, but we could raffle the baskets off before Christmas with an earlier start in 2013.
B.      Requests for Library Funding
1.      The Friends help fund the mainstays of HNPL programming, specifically the Summer Reading program, Photo Contest, Santa House, Christmas @ the Library, Staff/Friends/Board Christmas dinner. Roberta suggested that the staff create a budget for financial requests to be presented at the beginning of each calendar year.  This would not, however, have an adverse effect on subsequent programs funding requests that might occur during the year.
2.      The future funding discussion and proposal for 2013 was tabled until the next meeting.
C.      Meeting Frequency/Change to Bylaws
1.      We had a second review of the proposition to change meeting frequency to quarterly meetings, with an extra meeting close to the New Earth Festival.
D.     2012 Christmas dinner
1.      Sam Mitchel expressed gratitude to Lana Cardwell for a wonderful atmosphere for positive camaraderie that evening.  Positive feedback on the venue, food, activities.
E.      Election of officers
1.      The following were selected as a slate of officers:
a.      Emily Crickmore – President
b.      Mary Palmiero – Vice President
c.       Roberta Terry – Treasurer
d.      Greg Shepard – Secretary
2.      Susan Brown motioned to vote on the slate, seconded by Mary Palmiero.  The slate passed as selected.
F.       2012 Friends
1.      Thank you to the active members for a job well done in 2012.
IV.                Adjournment
1.      Roberta moved to adjourn at 7.15 pm. Susan seconded.

The next meeting will be at 6.30 pm on Monday, April 15 at the Cicero branch.

HNPL Partners and Friends
Monday, November 19, 2012    6:30 PM
Cicero Library

Sam Mitchel, treasurer, called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm.

Present:  Jackie Blech, Emily Crickmore, Bev Gasho, Sam Mitchel, Greg Shepard, Roberta Terry

I.  Review Agenda
II.  Minutes
A.      September Meeting
1.      Sam motioned to approve, seconded by Roberta
III.  Treasurer’s Report
            A.  Checking:  $3825.61
1.      Transactions
a.      Deposits:  $280.00 
i.                    HNPL September Book sales:  $141.60
ii.                  HNPL October Book sales:  $138.40
                              b.  Disbursements:  $165.00
                                    i.  Roberta Terry (reimbursement for N.E. Fest. Town Permits): $135.00
ii. HNPL (reimbursement for 2012 Photography contest judges’ gift cards): $30.00                       
            B.  Savings:  $2,118.47
C.      Checking (Gaming Acct):  $222.00
D.     Total:  $6,166.08
IV.  Old Business
A.      Ghost Hunters
1.      We didn’t hear from them until the afternoon of the event, so we did not participate.
B.      Christmas Dinner at Wolfies
1.      Thursday, December 6 at 6 pm
2.      4 entrees from which to choose
3.      The Friends will pay gratuity for everyone. Non-staff, non-board, non-friends will be responsible for paying for their own meals/drinks.
C.      Gift Wrapping at Barnes & Noble - Fundraiser
1.      Tuesday, December 4 from 5 to 9 pm
2.      Saturday, December 22 from 11 am to 3 pm.
3.      Sign up with Emily Crickmore
D.     Baskets to raffle
1.      The baskets will be on display from Dec 1 through December 31.
2.      Staff, board, and Friends will each sponsor a basket. Emily C will be in charge of assembling items for the Friends basket.
3.      Tickets are $1/each, or 6 for $5.
V.  New Business
A.  The financial audit (by Roberta Terry) will be in January or February 2013.
B. Elections will be tabled until January 2013, as only Sam has submitted to be an officer.
1. Please send an email to if interested in becoming an officer.
C.  Sam motioned that the meeting frequency be changed to quarterly, with an extra meeting near the New Earth Festival.  Seconded by Greg. 
D. Sam proposes that the Friends purchase $25 gift cards for HNPL staff as a holiday gift. Seconded by Jackie.  Motion passed.

VI. Adjournment
1.      Roberta moved to adjourn at 7.12 pm. Jackie seconded.

The next meeting will be at 6.30 pm on Monday, January 21 at the Atlanta branch.


HNPL Partners and Friends
Monday, April 16, 2012 (Notes)
There was not a quorum on the meeting night, so instead we had some discussion about issues and ideas.
  •   HNPL Partners website:  put a link on the top of the library’s page directly to the Partners’ site.
  •  Bookstore:  make sure we are sending adequate supplies of books for the Atlanta bookstore after the big weed.
  •   2012 Earth Festival:  level yard, fill in holes, etc.
  •   LOML is the weekend before July 4.  Are we going to have an entry in the parade?  Booth to sell items?
  •  Friends of the Cicero Parks Summer Concert Series:  As discussed at the last meeting, the HNPL Partners would team up to sell refreshments at one or two concerts held at the Cicero Library Pavilion (split the profits).  May 20th and July 22nd (Sundays 5-8 PM).  Need several volunteers.  Email if you would like to help.
Next scheduled meeting Monday, June 18th in Atlanta 6:30 PM.
HNPL Partners and Friends
Minutes for the
Monday, February 20, 2012 Meeting

Lana Cardwell, president, called the meeting to order 6:36 PM.

Present:  Lana Cardwell, Sam Mitchel, Roberta Terry, Mary Palmiero, Emily Pearson, Carolyn Hicks, Susan Brown.  Visitor:  Christy Wilson (Friends of the Cicero Parks)

I.  Review Agenda

II.  Minutes
Motion:  Approve minutes as written by Roberta Terry, seconded by Susan Brown.  Passed unanimously. 

III.  Treasurer’s Report
A.  Checking:  $3699.69 
1.      Transactions
a.      Deposits:  $1,177.50
i.                    Reimbursement for Hamilton North Chamber event:  $25
ii.                  November Book Sales:  $359.17
iii.                December Book Sales:  $553.48
iv.                 January Book Sales:  $239.85
                              b.  Disbursements:  $502.50
                                                                    i.      Alice’s Restaurant (12/1):  $439.77
                                                                  ii.      Indiana Dept. of Revenue:  November Sales Tax $24.27
                                                                iii.      Indiana Dept. of Revenue:  December Sales Tax $38.46
B.      Savings:  $2,115.39 
C.      Checking (Gaming Acct):  $222.00 
1.      Transactions
a.      Deposits:  $104
i.  Quilt Raffle:  $104 
b.      Disbursements:  $0
D.     Total:  $6,037.08

***HNPL Partners and Friends 2011 Financial Report      
Booksales:       $1,683.06
New Earth Festival (Booths & Sale):   $2,383.30
Donations:       $200
Sub Total:        $4,266.36
HNPL:  $1,500
New Earth Festival (Town of Atlanta):            $480
Ind. Dept. of Rev.:       $96.05
Other (insurance, signage, supplies, Christmas dinner, etc.):           $977.11
Sub Total:        $3,053

Total:  $1,213.20

IV.  Old Business
            A.  Quilt Auction Results:  Raised $222.00
            B.  Gift Wrap Results:  due to inclement weather, it was shortened.  Raised about $2.00
            C.  Holiday Dinner:  Many negative comments on the price, service and serving sizes. 
Positive comments on the camaraderie and festiveness promoted by Lana Cardwell.
D.  Annual Audit:  Conducted by Roberta Terry (all was in order).  Recommendation that future audit occur January when all statements are in.
            E.  Gmail Account:  Continue with current email account.  Check every day.
            F.  Bookstores
                        1.  Cicero:  call for more members to assist in helping maintain stock.
                        2.  Atlanta: call for more members to assist in helping maintain stock.
            G.  Meeting Dates for 2012
                        1.  April 16, Cicero
                        2.  June 18, Atlanta
                        3.  August 20, Cicero
                        4.  September 17, Atlanta
                        5.  November 19, Cicero 
V.  New Business
            A.  Fund Raisers for 2012
                        1.  Earth Festival 2012- September 22-23 or 29-30
            (Committee:  Roberta Terry (chair), Sam Mitchel, Lana Cardwell)
                                    a.  Leveling of yard- fill and roller:  Library maintenance staff will address.
                                    b.  Re-mapping of spots 
                                    c.  Re-visit pricing
                                    d.  Restroom facilities:  ask if 1-2 port-a-potties could be placed near
                                    e.  Water/electric:  look into improving outside outlet, price for use
                                    f.  Trash:  some trash was left by vendors, consider refundable deposit
                                    g. Other- advertising booth space
                        2.  Other Ideas for 2012
Christy Wilson of the Friends of the Cicero Parks extended invitation in promoting the concert series during the summer.  Maybe HNPL Partners and Friends/Library could have a program to draw more attendees, and subsequently sell popcorn/drinks as a fundraiser.  At least two concerts would be planned for the library pavilion.
            B.  Expenditures for 2012
                        1.  Summer Reading:  HNPL Request for $1500
                        Motion: donate $1500 for the Summer Reading Program by Emily Pearson,
seconded by Mary Palmiero.  Passed unanimously.
                        2.  Photo Contest:  plan on continuing for 2012 
                        3.  4th of July Parade:  Discussion about having a booth at least one day of the
LOML festivities.
                        4.  Written Requests for Funds:
a.  HNPL Summer Reading Request for $1500 (see V.B.1)
b.  Donate funds to repair broken windows Atlanta north entrance doors.
c.  Donate funds (approx. $400) for patron computer in Atlanta.
d.  Donate $500 for additional DVDs, CDs, PS-3 & Wii Games, and 4 handheld electronic games (e.g. Nintendo DS) for in-house use.
                        Passed unanimously.
                        5.  Bookstore Sign invoice:  $100 payable to SavComm
            C.  Foundation
Sam Mitchel, library director, discussed how library foundations seek/promote larger donations (e.g. corporate sponsorship, endowments, planned giving, etc.).  Some libraries have foundations separate from library friends’ groups, and others incorporate this in its friends’ group mission.  Sam proposed that members consider the idea of how HNPL Partners and Friends might look into the idea of incorporating this in its mission.  The group is a registered 501 (c) 3 organization and is able to accept large donations.     
VI.  Adjournment
Motion:  To adjourn by Emily Pearson, seconded by Susan Brown.  Passed unanimously.  8:00 PM

Minutes taken and submitted by Sam Mitchel, treasurer