Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Proposed change to by-laws

Proposed change in by-laws is in red text...

1.      Article II
                                The purpose of this organization shall be:
Section 1.
To create an association of people interested in books and libraries; to focus public attention on library facilities, services, and needs; and to stimulate gifts of books, magazines, desirable collections, endowments, and bequests.
Section 2.
To apprise town, township, and county officials of the importance of their role in support of library systems.
Section 3.
To assist in the development of a program for the extension and improvement of library services and resources that may adequately serve the needs of the steadily increasing population of our towns and township.
Section 4.
                                To promote knowledge of the functions, resources, services, and needs of the libraries.
Section 5.
                                To encourage gifts or memorials of funds, books, art objects, and others.
Section 6.
                                To engage in fund raising activities.
Section 7.
                                To sponsor programs designed to add to the cultural life of the township.

Partners and Friends of the Hamilton North Public Library (in accordance with IC 36-12-3-5) is an association of community members who value our library and demonstrate support through membership and volunteer participation. Their goals are to raise funds for specific library programs, collections, special projects, build membership, advocate for the library, and promote and assist with library programs.

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